The "CC03" casket spray from Dragonetti Florist is a dignified and elegant floral arrangement that beautifully adorns any funeral service. This casket cover is crafted with luxurious white roses, symbolizing reverence, innocence, and heartfelt respect.
The arrangement is enhanced by a striking purple satin ribbon that adds a rich contrast and signifies honor. The subtle accents of delicate greenery interspersed among the flowers provide a serene backdrop, highlighting the purity and tranquility of the roses.
This timeless casket spray is a fitting tribute, offering a serene farewell to a loved one.
Dragonetti Florist proudly offers same-day flower delivery all over Brooklyn.
Looking for same-day or next day flower delivery for CC03 Casket Spray? Select Local Delivery at the checkout and your flowers will be delivered the same day or the specified date.
You can also place your order online and pick up your CC03 Casket Spray in person at:
1875 Ralph Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11234
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Dragonetti Florist & Garden Center
CC03 Casket Spray
CC03 Casket Spray
The CC03 casket spray features pristine white roses accented with a purple ribbon, expressing deep reverence and respect.
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